What's new in Discngine Assay?
Read our release notes
Discngine Assay 6.5.1 | January 2024
New features
Reference Data: A site can be retired and non-selectable
When a site is non-selectable, it is displayed in the lists of values in other applications but it cannot be selected. This allows a site to be used as a parent for other sites.
When a site is retired, it is not displayed in the lists of values in other applications. This allows a site to be hidden from the users. If a site is retired, its children are also hidden from the users.
Assay: Improve Assay Home page and run details
The Assay Home Page has been completely redesigned, and its speed has been improved. You can filter your runs by many criteria and have easy access to your ongoing work.
The creation of a run has been rebuilt and is now on a modal page.
Once you access a run, you are now directly sent to the Run Details page. On this page, you can :
Navigate to any step of your run
Perform run actions (save a run as a template, copy, delete, or invalidate a run)
Update run details (description, campaign, etc.)
Assay Catalog: Discrete values for assay results/condition types
When designing the assay result/condition types, some discrete values can be added to limit the results/conditions inserted when they will be linked to experimental results.
Discrete values can be numbers, text or entries of a controlled vocabulary, depending on the assay result type data type.
Reference Data: Remove uniqueness of the public URI field for controlled vocabularies
The public URIs were unique for all controlled vocabulary values. Now, public URIs can be reused for any vocabulary or vocabulary item, so that the same ontology terms can be used in different vocabularies.
Assay: Rework the Well Information/Experimental Conditions steps and add a type of WI/ECD (number, text, controlled vocabulary)
Well Information has been merged with Experimental Conditions, and the functionality to add them has been entirely reworked to improve user experience.
Experimental Conditions can now have a datatype associated, allowing you to define the expected values among Text, Number, and Controlled Vocabulary. They can also be updated at any time in your run, so you can fill them out whenever you want, unless the experimental condition has been used: in a normalisation, as an aggregation parameter...
Assay Catalog: Add permissions to access publication workflow and administration pages
Previously, all users had access to all pages in the left panel: Assays, Assay Set, Publication workflow and Administration. However, for some users, access to Publication Workflow and Administration pages is irrelevant, even in readonly mode.
Users who do not have the right to request the publication of an assay will never have any tasks in the 'My Submissions' page. Users who do not have one of the following permissions do not have access to 'Publication Workflow' in the left panel.
Users who do not have one of the following permissions do not have access to the 'Administration' in the left panel.
Discngine Assay 6.5.0 | October 2024
A new application has been released, named Assay Catalog. This application enriches assays with biological context. It allows the description and annotation of the assays performed in organizations.
Here is an overview of the key features:
Register an Assay
Efficiently create and manage assays in your organization:
Draft assays with essential parameters (e.g., name, description, owner, and site).
Optionally associate targets such as tissue, cell line, or mutations.
Use predefined assay templates with grouped or single attributes.
Link experimental protocols via files or URLs.
Define expected conditions and results using administrative configurations.
Publish assays after approval through a user-friendly submission and review process.
Assay Sets
Organize and manage multiple assays in sets:
Group two or more assays into an assay set.
Assay sets can have statuses: Available or Retired.
Display and edit common attributes, conditions, and results across assays.
View and filter all assay sets in the application.
Administration Features
Streamline setup and customization for your organization's needs:
Assay Templates:
Create/edit templates with attributes or attribute groups.
Associate templates with assays for structured data entry.
Manage the availability of templates (active or retired).
Condition & Result Types:
Configure reusable condition/result types and validation rules.
Apply them to individual assays or assay sets.
Use templates to update condition/result types for multiple assays or sets at once.
Manage availability of these configurations.
New Features
Reference Data: The information related to targets can now be managed in RefData
These pages contain the ability for an administrator to add, update, delete the targets, target variants, tissues, and cell lines
This feature is optional and can be activated by platform administrators if required.
Reference Data: Locations are now managed the RefData application
You can add multiple hierarchical sites
They are used in the Assay Catalog application
Sample: A new advanced search is available, allowing you to search your plates and vials :
by one or more annotations values
by filtering them with a list of barcodes
From this list, you can execute multiple actions like displaying lineage, creating jobs, or adding annotations.
Sample: Display the lineage of the related samples when looking at a plate or rack details. Select a well or a vial, and click the "Sample Lineage" button.
Sample: Container annotations and control layouts can now be retrieved during the registration process.
This information can still be modified in the container details page, and during some of the jobs' steps.
Sample: A new workflow named "Container - Bulk Update Annotations Values" is available and replaces the workflow "Container - Update Metadata".
This workflow allows the bulk edition of annotations from a list of barcodes (File, Job, List, or Text (one per line)).
The annotations can now be applied on vials and not only on plates.
Sample administrators can easily dispose and retire one or multiple containers/racks using the Utilities panel.
You can now more easily receive your containers by selecting them from the registration summary page.
The interface to apply annotations from the plates and vials list has been reworked.
Discngine Assay 6.4.1 | May 2024
New features
Close a job after the worklist creation
You can now generate a worklist for robotic equipment without having to load the associated log file in the same job.
You can choose to close the job directly without any log file, to use the copy of the worklist generator, or to upload the file returned by the robotic equipment.
Upgrade Spotfire® Compatibility to version 14 LTS
Assay is now compatible with TIBCO Spotfire® 14.0 LTS. This is the only version supported by the application.
Filling layout have the index in the display well
Multiple files upload when doing the registration
Improvement of the plate viewer at the registration
Define the file extension when creating a worklist
Improve storage locations visualization
Use external barcode by default instead of the ones generated by Sample
Change the way the selection of the visualization tool (PP, Spotfire) is working
Add a previous and a home button on visualization pages
Discngine Assay 6.4.0 | April 2024
Move plate layout in RefData
Upgrade Apex to version 23.2
Add and run oml cutoffs
See annotations in the Spotfire® visualisations
Make PP readers compatible with multiple reader
Discngine Assay 6.3.2 | February 2024
This is a minor release, in which you will find mainly technical developments that are transparent to users.
Discngine Assay 6.3.1 | January 2024
New Features
New workflow - Intra plate dilution
Search containers location from a list of parent sample
Update the "updated_date" field on the container when an annotation has been updated/added/deleted
Empty wells spotted by the echo
Discngine Assay 6.3.0 | December 2023
New Features
Dispense a volume from vial(s)
A new dispensing vial workflow is now available. It allows users to register a manual dispense in one or more vials. This workflow is reachable as the others from the "Create new job" page in the section Update. A quick access version of this workflow is also available from the Vial/Rack Search pages, and Vial/Rack Details pages, by using the Utilities panel on the right side of these pages.
Include the Survey in the "Update Inventory from File" workflow
The "Update Inventory From file" is able to do a Survey.
A new robotic parser should be declared in the administration using the move type "SURVEY".
"Update inventory from file" workflow can handle racks and vials
The "Update Inventory From file" is able to update the vials' position in racks.
A new robotic parser should be declared in the administration using the move type "VIAL".
Invalidate wells for the "Update Inventory from File" workflow
The wells have a new status: valid or invalid.
By default, all wells are valid. For now, only robotic parsers can define when wells become invalid.
The validity of the wells is displayed on the plate detail page on the plate viewer.
The well validity is always transferred when doing a transformation (cherry-picking, compression, decompression, or replication).
Control Layout in Sample
Control layouts (and well types) can be used in Sample.
Control layouts declared in the Assay module can be applied to any plates of the inventory:
multiple plates on the plates list page
individually on the plate detail page
when creating new plates during a workflow (including the reception) at the Storing (Ouput) step
The well types are automatically transferred from one plate to another when doing a transformation.
Create a parser for the Echo 655 and 550 robotics equipment
Two new robotic parsers are available: Echo 655 and Echo 550.
The following columns are retrieved:
Source Plate Barcode
Source Well
Destination Plate Barcode
Destination Well
"Destination Plate Type" or "Destination Plate Name": needed to create the new plate
Actual Volume: volume to be transferred in the "Destination Well" (always nL)
Current Fluid Volume: used to update the source quantity when an exception is generated (always uL)
% DMSO: source wells are updated with these values and stored as metadata if the "% DMSO" is declared in RefData
Registration improvements
The registration workflows can now be used with custom parsers in order to accomodate for file formats that cannot be read by the file mapper and streamline the registration process in Sample.
Add referential to batch type
For each of the available batch types, you can add Oracle functions to retrieve data from a referential system. This enables you to control that the information of you batches comes from a reliable and centralized source.
Add/modify annotations at Storing (output) step
You can now add annotations (metadata) from the Storing (output) step of your jobs. This option is only available as long as the job is open. Once the job is closed, the option is locked.
Assay: Multiple Reader
The start of a run has been redesigned.
The already existing mode "Design from template" has been clearly defined.
The File reading page has been completely redesigned.
You can now use more than one reader in the entry of a run.
Old readers may need an upgrade to work with this feature. Reach the assay team if you want to upgrade it.
Assay: Revamp the analysis steps with Spotfire without refreshing the page
In both Pipeline Pilot and Spotfire, the look and feel of the Well Validation, Reference Analysis, Sample Analysis, and cross runs pages have been improved
In Design mode, you can add normalizations and automatic analysis from a modal page.
With Spotfire, you are no longer redirected to the waiting page, the data is automatically refreshed when data is added or removed.
With Spotfire, you can validate/invalidate/revalidate any data without refreshing the page. You can continue your analysis during the calculation, your marked data will be kept.
With Spotfire, you can switch from another template to a modal accessible from the parameter at the top right of the page
Assay: Add control vocabularies in the Well Validation, Reference Analysis, and Sample Analysis step
Annotations have been added in Assay.
Annotations are managed in the Reference Data application. You can now annotate wells, and plates aggregated, and validated data in Assay at the Well Validation, Sample, and Reference Analysis.
A User Guide on How to manage annotation in Reference Data and Assay has been created.
OML4Py as a dng plugin for Assay
In this version, we have implemented a new possibility for running normalizations, reference analyses, and sample analyses: these can now be done using Python scripts.
As of 6.3, this is an internal possibility, which means that a deployment is required to make such a computation available. We are working on making this possibility available through the administration soon
Making good use of this functionality, we have implemented 3 normalizations that were previously only available through Pipeline Pilot
Normalized Percent Inhibition (NPI)
Modified Gompertz
Create multiply, substract, ratio and add Normalizations
Four new normalizations have been added, to replace, in the future, the readout transformations:
Readout Transformation - Add (Readout 1 + Readout 2)
Readout Transformation - Substract (Readout 1 - Readout 2)
Readout Transformation - Divide (Readout 1 / Readout 2)
Readout Transformation - Multiply (Readout 1 * Readout 2)
Update Pipeline Pilot to 2023 version + Test
Improve standard security with Pipeline Pilot for Assay
Update Spotfire to version 12 + Test
"Automatic Selection and Invalidation" has been renamed to "Automatic Analysis"
Better handle of readouts in a run
Discngine Assay 6.2.2 | October 2023
The pED50 is now calculated using the "Dose-Response Fitting" calculation, in the Sample analysis step.
Discngine Assay 6.2.1 | September 2023
The "Spectramax" reader has been improved as follows:
When there are multiple plate "blocks" in the same line, they should be considered as different readouts for the same plate.
When there are multiple plate "blocks" on the same column before the tag "End", they should be considered as the same readout but read multiple times.
Detection of the measurement performed with the corresponding parameters.
Discngine Assay 6.2.0 | June 2023
New Features
The administration of barcodes is available. You can now dispose and/or rename containers. This tool is available from the Sample Administration with the right of SAMPLE_ADMINISTRATOR.
A column for well position (row/column or well index)
A new reader called "Generic reader" has been created. It allows you to read a lot of tabulated TXT/CSV/XLSX formats by selecting a file mapping. To be able to read your file, this one needs to follow some information:
A column for plate identification (plate index and/or plate name)
A column for well position (row/column or well index)
A least one column of readouts
It is no longer necessary to enter the default value for solvents.
An administrator can define container metadata as free text or controlled vocabulary
The workflow "Container - Update attributes" has been updated accordingly to handle free text and controlled vocabulary
New APIs have been developed to retrieve the results
Release notes DACA 6.1.1 | 2023
When your connection is successful, and you don't have any role, you are redirected to a page telling you to contact your administration to have proper access.
The speed of the search bar has been improved
Release Notes DACA 6.1.0
New Features
User experience
The theme of the application has been completely updated
The User Experience has been improved
The user can use a "Dark Theme" in the application (only if using Discngine Themes)
The home page has been completely redesigned
A new workflow has been created: Plate Creation
It allows the users to create a plate in a graphic way
The search to bar has been updated
Tibco Spotfire® 11.4 can now be used in the application
Release Notes DACA 5.4.0 | November 2023
New Features
In our cloud, R scripts can now be used in Warehouse to perform consolidations
Allow filters when using Spotfire Webplayer as a data viewer
Improve the R scripts in the Sample Analysis to support more result data types